The Project
Computer Aided Design for Pipe Organs
Organ pictures 
HALL (magnetic) effect keyboard interfaces
Conseil Général of Var Bulletin
Rians official town Hall bulletin

Building his own Pipe Organ in a Church or a Foundation : 

The first and only expressive sensitive Pipe Organ in the world

I designed and built this Pipe Organ without any help or grant. Only with my own technical skill, and my own means.
I'm giving weekly, each sunday afternoon a free concert from 3 to 6 P.M. always during all the years.

After the mass  service each sunday morning at 10.30 A.M.

Free instrument visits are possible upon request.

Please call at : (+33) 06 87 46 55 85
or send an e-mail at:

The Great Pipe Organ :  january 2008 ( picture : Gilles )

The main empty tribune
september 2004

La tribune vide en septembre 2004
my Rians Great Organ
Avril 2007
April 2007
The project and organ maps

Maps, design and main instrument building, electronic boards and software : P. Leray
Sculptures of façade turrets: Mr Pulcini
of weighted parts: Mr J.L. Goyffont
Turrets and facade : Mr Villermet
Rear organ views
Orgue vue arrière
Vue de la voix humaine à l'arrière de l'orgue
the great in November  2006
March  2006
November  2006
Bodies automated design and building:
I designed a 3D software program running on PC's: Given the pipe dimensions, it computes automatically magnet valve positions.
 and false body holes.
3D views are also available. before  manufacturing.
This program can control directly any wood machine tool.
See User's manual

Sommier N°6 en 3D

The 6th chest beeing built with his 330 magnet-valves

Holes are automatically manufactured by  any machine-tool controlled by computer with my software authoring tool.

9 Windchests installed in august 2007

The false chest carved automatically
Hall (magnetic) effect Keyboard interfaces
In front :
One of the 5 ex St Eustache keyboards, I purchased ! without anything : no longer springs, no longer contact. I designed electronic boards using HALL effect sensors.
(see picture).

The 5rd keyboard is removable and can be placed remotely.
- Directly connected to any informatic up to 64 notes.
- MIDI interface or parallèl port

- Control Display panel..
Le panneau de controle de l'orgue

Each board can control 4x64 pipes.
Unlimited number of boards
Power electronic
of Paris keyboards

The ancient Saint-Eustache of Paris
keyboards; Now in RIANS Pipe organ.

Les ex-claviers de St Eustache revivent
The wonderfull surroundings of the church
Rians: ancient roman Town
Villa Romaine à RiansAntique Roman House in Rians surroundings.