Plans et philosophie générale de la conception
I built this brand new organ from scratch, with only my work, technical skills, and my own money.
It possess 10 winchests, entirely designed and built on my own. Thanks to my Organ Designer Softaware.
designed myself the facade and turret drawings and paid a carpenter and
a sculptor for the facade, turrets, and sculptures. I designed and
build all the rest.
I built also the woodpipes,
(except the subass). I purchased and refurbished all the tin pipes I purchased myself.
They are all entirely refurbished, restored, and re-tonalled (re-harmonised).
Unlike all electronic-tracking organs, I am using a true PC inside
whose I wrote all the controller software. This software summarizes all
the tasks for :
- Keyboards inputs
- Registration inputs
- Drawknobs inputs
- Screen control
- Transposer
- 16' 8' 4' 2' Quinte
- Tremulant
- Magnet valves control for outputs.
- Thanks to my electronic cards, I can drive all my 1596 magnet valvs : One under each Pipe.
With these cards, I avoid all microprocessor problems as many organbuilders are using. (These
micro-controleurs have generally memories which can be corrupted after years.
are generallly guaranted for 10 years only). Moreover, the electronic
cards which support them have always owner designed. (Tradamarked)
in case of failure, one must purchase the same components in the same
company. What about these companies after 10 or 20 years ?Moreover, these micro-processors are generally numerous electronic-tracker organs.
At the
contrary, PC's world and concept will exist even after 10 or 20 years
or more ! Even if his structure will change, it will be always possible
to find equivalent PC's
And to interface with them myélectronic
cards. I recall that these cards don't have any memory nor
microprocessor component.
I besigned my first
systems by year 1997 and they are always running perfectly. (St Gilles organ in 1997 and Clayes organ in
Moreover PC prices are very cost effective.
Any PC can be replaced in minutes.
My électronic cards don't have any memory nor mciro-processor. So, no
risk for memory leaks over years. moreover, the very classical
components used on my boards are available worldwide since 1970.
Organs designed along with these principles have a more important longevity.
Much more than traditionnal mechanical trackers.
Moreover, my organ has no physical contact : It has HALL magnetic sensors capteurs magnétiques à effet HALL.
LATENCY : I guaranty a latency better than 4mS : Unlike the MIDI-based systems with are largely slower.
Many professionnal organists are appreciating my keyboard touch, and his fast response time.
My orgue, and all the organs I built are based on the same principle
possède : They have a Pipe potentiel which can survive during years.

SOMMIER 6: Basson - Hautbois -
Quintaton - Prestant - Bourdon 4 - Doublette - Régale - Soubasse
16' (2)

SOMMIER 2: Trompette - Flute 8' - Dulciane 8' - Nazard