This organ I designed myself, is entirely controlled by my system.
I designed and built myself all electronic parts plus PC software, written in C++
Pipe and case (following my design) have been made by french Manufacture Thibaud.

This organ is now located in Luxembourg, owned by a talented organist.

Conception Hardware and sotware design : P. Leray
Mechanical trackers <-> électronic control : Comparission

Electronic control
Based on:

  • A PC which collect all keyboard and registration informations.
  • My  elecronic input boards
  • My electronic power output boards

Stop displays, registration memories are ensured by a unique touchscreen with virtual stops. This organ can also be plugged to any standard remote MIDI keyboard.

These functionnalities provide to this instrument outstanding capabilities. It can be coupled with a virtual pipe organ.

PC based organbuilding brings now new and unlimited capabilities. Remote control has been done with Dupont Organbuilder on the Grand Orgue of St Pierre de Caen.

Can also be visited in Rians, France : projet/projet_don_orgue.html

La réalisation
Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Trumpett 8'
Nazard, Acoustic Subbass  16'.

25 stops by electronic extensions : 16' 8' 4' 2' on all stops.

    Bourdon 16',8',4',2' Montre 8', Prestant 4',2'
    Anches 16',8',4'
    Nazard, Tierce, Larigot
    Mutations paramétrables, Fourniture 3 à 5 rangs programmable par simple fichier texte.
    Jeux paramétrables par logiciel

  • Tremulant computed by computer
  • Commande progressive des soupapes par système informatique
  • Automatic Transposer en + ou -
  • 2 separated removable keyboards ; pedal;
  • possibility to add other remote keyboards
  • MIDI Interface  read and write; Variable speed.
  • Dimensions: 1m55 * 0m76 * 1m92 Laqué bleu foncé - Sculptures