
Source : "2000 ans d'orgues de Gérard Louis"
From Ktésibios to Jean-Sébastien Bach

"From Ktésibios to Jean-Sébastien Bach" book
This map represents ancient sites where antique organs sculptures were found. In Aquincum, close from Budapest,
was found real parts of
an antique Pipe Organ. Aquincum was an old roman military facility, situated on the extreme borders of RomanEmpire. This organ had air blowers. At present a reconstitution has been made by Gérard Louis,  author of the book mentionned above.
It is very sensitive to discover Sabine, a young singer-organist who lived in Aquincum. She was married to T. Aelius Justus,  military organist in Aquincum.
It is mentionned that : "Her voice was délicious et her fingers knowed how to play. She performed many pleasant concerts  dans d'agréables concerts with hydraulic organs. Be happy, Aelia,
you whi is reading this, Do God preserves you."
All these organs were destroyed by the first Christian Church Founders, who considered organ as a paganist instrument, so to be suppressed sytematically. That is the reason why organs disappeared completely in the Christian Occident, roughly up to the Xth century. Except in the Oriental part of the Christian Empire (Bysance). Then during the XIVth century, English people built a Pipe Organ in Westminster Abbey. German people built simultaneously an organ in Halberstadt. Since this event, French Bishops ordered massively  Pipe Organs for their respective cathédrals.
In France, Pipe Organs suffered a lot from the part of the french revolution. Many organs (and also churches) were burned and destroyed. Indeed they were considered as issued of the "ancien régime".
At last, at present, in France, organs are only visible for the large public in churches. Consequently,  many french people dislike this instrument, as they thought wrongly that it is an invention of the christian church. Ignoring that organs have been forbidden by this same church during 14 seculars and that his  invention began 5000 years befor Christ.
For information, St Maximin is the 3rd Grave of the Christian Church, after Jerusalem and Rome. St Maximin is only 25 km from Rians.
Antique Graves with Pipe Organ Sculptures are still visible.
(from 1 to 2 seculars before Christ).