Dr Pascal Leray                                                                                            En Français : 


Born in Paris. Engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris. He was awarded a Doctorate in Information Science by the University of PARIS II. His professional experience have been in industry and teaching (Mathematics, 3D Computer Graphics, HDTV, Image Processing & Neural Networks ).
He designed for the French Ministry Defense a simulation program for military aircraft. He wrote and implemented a graphic subroutine package "GRAFOR" (Graphic-Fortran) at the Centre d'Electronique de l'Armement (CELAR).

In 1976, he simulated new hidden surface algorithms on a SIGMA 7 computer. These studies were followed by the hardware and software codesign and building of the Computer Imagery Generator (CIG), for target simulation, which was presented in 1981 in PHOENIX, Arizona at the Image II Conference in Phoenix (AZ) for flight simulation. In 1979 the GSI dispayed 400 shaded polygons per second.

He was recruited as a Laboratory Manager in 1981 by the CCETT (French Telecommunication Research Center, operated by France Telecom/TDF-CNET), for the design of a 3D CGI ( Computer Generated Image) system, dedicated to: audiovisual, CAD-CAM, & simulation applications. This machine, called CUBI 7, displayed 37500 shaded, antialiased polygons/s in real time, and appeared in the marketplace 5 years before Silicon Graphics.

It was demonstrated in various places in the world, ( SIGGRAPH: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orlando, Montreux Symposium, IBM) and received the Image Research Award in 1985 from the French Ministry of Industry.
Dr Leray was after in charge of a research laboratory in the CCETT (ETS: Advanced Research in Signal Processing) in the field of neural networks specialising in ultra high image compression, for TV, HDTV and multimedia, based on a simulation of the primary visual cortex, and using 3D image analysis & synthesis. He organised a European project in the field of 3D computer graphics chips and, in 1991, a further project on image compression using neural networks with German and UK partners.

As a 3D Computer Graphics & Image Processing Expert, Dr Leray was after in charge of:

He is now retired from FT R&D, 
As Technical Consultant in charge of teaching and 3D software development.

And international European Expert in 3D Computer Graphics, Neural Nets & Image processing.

Also  main reviewer in charge of 3D Modelling conferences in Paris.
http://www.3d numerisation.com

Professionnal experience:
Designed a complete Z80 based micro-processor
Hardware Experience: memories, micro-processors, interfaces, parallel and serial ports.
Design of 3D Computer Graphics machines: priority based and Z buffer (80-88)
Power input output interface on a PC parallel port
Transmission on PC serial port.
Hardware & software design for a 8051 with PL/M 51
CAE Electronic CAD for PIPE ORGAN power and input / MIDI controller

Wrote software packages on:
CII 10020; CII 10070; UNIVAC 1108 & 1110
VAX 11/780
PC from 486 to PENTIUM & AMD
Win98; WinNT4; Win2000; WinXP PRO
LINUX: Distribution UBUNTU

Programming laguages:
Assembly language, (wrote several assembly languages for bit-slice computers)
APL, NIAL (NIL APL) wrote a complete 3D APL modelling and animation system for CUBI 7
C, C++
Borland C++

Graphic design experience:

Teaching and reviewing:
He is also a lecturer for :

Dr LERAY is a reviewer for EUROGRAPHICS , and the International Neural Network Society (INNS) member. He has been also working as an European Expert in Brussels in 1993 for the Esprit Proposal evaluation.
Dr LERAY is reviewer for GRAPHICON congress in Moscow, invited conferer in 1998.

1981: Royalties for the GSI system (French Ministry of Defence).
1985 : Image Research Award in 1985 from the French Ministry of Industry.

1981 : Agence de l'Informatique award for his research and development in the field of computer controlled Pipe Organs.
2009 :  CHEREAU-LAVET Award for his personnal computer controlled Pipe Organ invention.

Presentation & Congresses:
More than 30 publications & papers mainly for US Symposiums: SPIE IS&T 94 & 95 San Jose, IMAGE II Conference,
Eurographics, Springer-Verlag, etc... 
Orlando :  SIGGRAPH 1998
Moscow: Graphicon 1998.
MPEG 4 Contributor Paris 1994 Technical seminar and Hannover (GE)
SPIE/IS&T  1993-1994

Ancient Eurographics and Siggraph membership.
Ancient INNS (International Neural Network Society) membership.



Pipe organ building & R&D researches for organbuilders

- Former Organist St Germain in Rennes. (Brittanny) Pipe Organ 3 keyboards Classified  Historic Monument
- Former Organist St Gilles Pipe Organ
- Former Organist Clayes Pipe Organ

At present: Principal Organist Rians Pipe Organ (Built by himself without any grant)

- Pipe Organ building with Computer interfaces.
- Playing his 17th Century Harpsichord (Baroque Chamber Music) with Flote, Cello, and Soprano.
- Organist in the St Germain Church (XIII-XVII Century) in Rennes, Brittany, France ( a 3 Keyboard instrument 17th Century, 38 Stops)
- Concerts in DOL de Bretagne Cathedral, St Gilles and Clayes.
- Concerts in Batz-sur-Mer (near La Baule), Plouescat
- Concert in Chateau de Villandry, near Tours.
- Computer Activities: 3D PC real time, 3D Viewers design on PC.

Musical areas of interest: - Notator, MOD and MIDI PC shareware - Developping a card for Keyboard expander with digital samples - PC Organ interfaces ORGAN: - Pipe building, low cost plastic magnets for Pipe control - PC interface Design.

-Sailing, Swimming, badmington, ping-pong & Tennis


Musical training:
Was trained by way of private lessons ( 12 years Piano, since age 12) Organ training with Organists in Nantes (France) and personnal training on large Church Organs for Mass services and on my personnal Pipe Organ. He is personnally in touch with French Organ Makers and well known Organists such as Jean Guillou, which inaugurated the Cristal Church in Los Angeles (CA),
and Michel Chapuis, which inaugurated the Great Organ of St Germain Church in Brittany (see also 3D pictures). 

Also in touch with the well reknown, international organist Olivier Latry, in charge of Notre Dame of Paris Pipe main Pipe Organ.

Olivier Latry Our Lady of Paris Organist gave me the great honour of visiting my own pipe organ in Rians. 

Pierre Bardon, Principal Organist of the  historic Saint Maximin organ, visited also several times my organ

Jean Paul Imbert, former organist Saint Eustache Pipe Organ.