Link to Graphicon Moscow 1999
Visits, and Reception in Moscow by year 1998,
an unforgettable "souvenir"
The Russia soul

I learned by year 2014 that Professor Bayakovsky is dead. I send all my condolences to his wife.
I would very much like to have news from the scientists who organized and attended this outstanding international congress by year 1998. If by chance they are reading this page !
At that time, I was an invited conferer by the Lomonossov University. And the Eastern and Western worlds were in peace, and I deeply regret this so happy time.
I'll never forget the warm and friendly atmosphere of this congress.
Rest in Peace, dear Yuri.

During the GRAPHICON Reception, with Professor-Doctor Yuri Bayakovsky
from Moscow State University.

University's GRAPHICON Volonteers: Alexander, Maria and Irina

During the reception

During the Kremlin's visit, soon in 3D! Thanks to Graphicon!
Kolomenskoye, The historical ancient Moscow early place,where well known Tsar Ivan le Terrible spent some time...
Other historical Moscow sites available soon...