28 March 2022
Some link to try to understand and love Russian soul :
a long time, I was planning to write about Russia. By year 1998 I was
an invited conferer by the Lomonossov Unerversity. I gave 2 talks
related to the researches I did on 3D image synthesis and Neural
Networks for Computer Vision. The convention was entitled "GRAPHICON 1998". It's always an
unforgettable souvenir. I remember the spirit of the Russian
researchers who presented their works : It was absolutely not
commercial, as many scientific talks in the US, more a spirit of
teaching, a spirit of explaining their results. They wanted sincerely
that the audience understood their presentation.
Lonosov's University professor kindly gave me the students's projects,
and the source code ! As I never asked for this ! Never such gift would
have been given in US conference !
course I
read major Russian writer's books already, and I have an immense
respect about this clever, artistic, strong and courageous people. As
for the USA, I completely separate the people friendship from local,
temporary problems due to their leaders. (Since Napoleon and before !).
Whose interests are so different from peoples's wishes !
Russia's very beginning, by the Xth century, this people was theatening
and fighting against many attacks from the western and southern
countries. One must remember that Ukraine is the first Russian
place.And that Crimea was liberated from Turkey by Russians. Russia
development has been initiated by the first occidental shism between
Rome and Byzance. Remember that both diplomats from the 2 parties began
relationships by excommunicating each others... Not good. Things similar now with
Macron, Johnson, Zelansky,Biden and Layen. An old western<->central eastern
battle ! (Remember Constantinople battle led by western crusades !)
if for evident principles one can't accept the present situation, one must
also recognize the long list of mistakes, errors, provocations, lies of
western countries.
Not any western country (except France with
Chirac before Irak agression(1)) said anything when NATO invaded Korea,
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Lybia.
And all the south america countries.
But now for Ukraine, the globalists are shouting a lot against Russia.
At present US administration goals followed by his European valets
Macron, Boris, Layen and German, are :
1/ Create chaos in Europe following the globalist agenda, as they
did for Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak, Syria and Lybia .
only goal of these wars was to create chaos, destroy the country but
not at all to install democracy. And disturb the world attention.
2/ change people concerns from covid to war risks, in order to
avoid prosecution against many people like Fauci Soros and many others.
is a fantastic, efficient ally for globalists for replacing their
calimitous COVID management, and false vaccine mandatory for killing lots of people.
They use Russia who is a wounded, encircled nation to declare they
are the agressor. But the main agressor is NATO.
The only Poutin's claim are : recognition of Crimea, Dombass and all Ukraine demilitarization.
Macron don't admit that, which are reasonable claims, regarding history, but all on the
contrary continues provocations against Russia. (such as Ukraine
inclusing inside the EU).
that when USSR collapsed, Western
countres falsely promised that NATO would never invade far eastern
countries. But it was a lie. Since 2014, war was present in Ukraine
which killed about 14000 people in Dombass. (Due to UKRAIN GOVERNMENT
!!!). Noboby in the west said they were agressor... It was urgent for
Russia to intervene. Russian invasion is a desperate move to counter
the globalist goals.
As the Minsk
agreements were violated by the 2 parts. Moreover, NATO isntalled
military camps all around Russia in former USSR countries.
And biolabs... Unsupportable for Russia.
What would do USA if Canada or Mexico decided suddenly to have Russian
missiles and belong to Russia ?
And moreover Zelensky is following the globalist agenda in order to
create chaos in Europe. Perhaps he is now quietly refugee in Poland.
Who knows ? Moreover it seems that biological labs exist in
Ukraine preparing biological weapons. Look at :
Copy here:
Remember also that USA launched
and gave fundings thanks to Fauci to several studies in Wuhan labs on "gain of function" coronavirus...with patents...
is in place thanks to an oligarch. With fraudulent presentation of his
real wealth before elections. Remember also he fired the attorney in
charge of Hunter Biden fraudulent actions.
False TV videos has been largely used in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Lybia and why not now
in Ukraine ?
However, I think they don't have interest to fight up to nuclear
war. Already, the vaccine side effects are now emerging and doing
fine the globalist extermination agenda. Several high educated
people in good health in my neighbourhood and abroad are dead or turning crazy due to
brain blood clots. No need for nuclear weapons which could disturb
oligarchy's peacefull life...
They launch high level pressure on Russia but not at the nuclear
level. In order to threaten more people, and justify ant-liberty measures such as universal vaccine passport.
To summerize : US is a military-industrial complex, and Russia is a militaro-military complex (as France...).
helping military financing thansk to taxes, but no industrial financing
for military in Russia... They are too weak on this key point...THE PREDICTIBLE RESULTS :
- Russia
is now developping strong relationships with China. The new
international exchange system UNIONPAY launched by China is nowavailable worldwide and can easily replace SWIFT.
- Russia
has agreements also with Middle East for not increasing their oil
production : effects are now visible in France : fuel prices at 2€, and
today (March 10, 2022) no longer fuel in France. Now it's OK.
- International
passports will be launched by hundreds of countries including vaccine
status and health informations. Nearby chipping...
- The WHO will have authority in case of "pandemy" to force states to complie with WHO laws. Globalist distature...
- US
also will have also fuel shortages. And food shortages. So people will
be so afraid that they never try to organize strikes again. Government
by fear.
- In a short time, US will have 2 ennemies instead of 1 : China AND Russia.
(1) Never forget that
Saddam Hussein asked to the US ambassador if they intend to intervene
if he invades Koweit, and the response was no. Just after, the
ambassador was gone for holidays, and immediately all "great souls"
were shouting against Saddam ! And the US invaded Irak, killing lots of
his people. Long time after the second Irak<->US war, some US and
British inquiries discovered there was abololutely no massive
destruction weapons, but this enormous scandal remained unknown by
major medias.
All these sights are showing the surptising contempt for death and human life :
SIGHT : I saw in the Moscow metro a battle, a savage, terrible battle
bettween 2 young men, with total indifference of other passengers. (Never saw such a scene in Paris nor USA)
2 SIGHT : Near the Lomonossov University, I saw a man who jumped at the rear of a car, the car continued running...
SIGHT : At the University main entrance, I saw several young students,
without any protection, playing rollers. No helmet, no knee or leg
4 SIGHT : A poor ill man on the middle of a street, with
inconsistent gestures. Such man would be immediately sent to an
hospital in western countries.
5 SIGHT : On freeways, no respect of the lines.
SIGHT : Near the Lomonossov University gardens, cars running very
fastly. One can measure that it would'nt stop if a pedestrian was just
in front of the car.
TRADUCTION D'UN POEME DE VLADIMIR VITTOTSKY Toute la force, le génie et le désespoir des Russes est là. (Voir liens en haut de cette page).
Les gauchistes (traduction)
Les gauchistes sont de braves petits gars,
Bande braillarde aux rouges étendards,
La faucille et le marteau les fascinent
L’ivresse et la hargne les dominent.
Le démon hurle par la voix des orateurs:
«Expropriation des expropriateurs!»
Sur les nuages de vapeur paradent
Les têtes de Mao, Dzerjinski, Guevara.
Mais où sont donc «gauchistes» ou «droitiers»?
Je sais que le pouvoir prospère dans le sang!
Jouez donc les bouche-trous et les utilités,
Et passez donc un stage de six mois dans un camp.
Madame l’interprète, ne broyez pas du noir;
Je n’ai pas la moindre envie de chanter ce soir,
Je n’aurai pas le dernier mot: aucun espoir!
Je ne peux que leur offrir un manuel d’histoire.
Il avait tout compris. Mort à 42 ans.