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Comment l'alliance Chine-France a créé à Wuhan un laboratoire d'armes biologiques :

Ce labao a ensuite reçu des financements du docteur FAUCI (NIH : National Institue for Health) pour la recherche de  CORONAVIRUS ARTIFICIELS, "ENHANCED"  dits à "GAIN DE FONCTION", c'est à dire en clair plus transmissibles et plus dangereux.

 22 février 2020 :
Le 23 Janvier, Wuhan  announce la fermeture de la ville et le journal français “Challenge Network” publia un article revelant de nombreux détails dérangeants à propos de cette affaire, en particulier sur la coopération FRANCE-CHINE  par la création du labo P4 laboratory de Wuhan.

The article states that, as France is a leading country in the field of global virus research, as early as 2003, the Chinese Academy of Sciences had asked the French government to assist China in opening a highest-level virus research center. The Chinese request has caused divisions between the French government and virus experts, because although the Wuhan Institute of Virology can fight outbreaks of infectious diseases, some French experts are worried that the CCP will use French technology to develop biological weapons. Indeed a serious warning!

With the support of then Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, China and France signed an agreement in 2004 to cooperate in the construction of a P4 virus center amidst widespread concern.

The French General Administration of Foreign Security warned that RTV, an architectural design firm in Lyon, France was originally responsible for the laboratory’s project, but in 2005 the Chinese Communist Party officially selected Wuhan’s local design agency IPPR (Zhongyuan International Engineering Co., Ltd.) for the project. According to the department’s investigation, the IPPR design institute is closely related to the subordinate departments of the Communist Party of China. These departments have long been the monitoring targets of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Public information shows that IPPR (Zhongyuan International Engineering Co., Ltd.) was founded in 1953 and is affiliated to China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH), a large state-owned enterprise of the Communist Party of China and a Fortune 500 company. SINOMACH is the largest large-scale state-owned enterprise group of the CCP machinery industry and has close relations with the CCP military. Among its 12 departments, it has set up a special “Military Industry Management Office (Ministry of Science and Technology Development)”.


One can see Mr Cazeneuve, French Prime Minister, Levy (INSERM PRESIDENT 2014) and Marisol Touraine (Health Ministry) by year 2017