Dupont's Console and St Pierre Church Pipe
Organ with P. Leray Computers and power electronic equipment.
An RTC standard line is used for Pipe Organ
controls, driven by a dedicated PC software.
A ISDN line is used for sound return in
the Concert Hall; Two microphones are placed in front of the Organ.
One can also attend the Concert in the
(See technical
Frédéric Desenclos and P. Leray preparing and recording pre-registrations before Concert in Caen Memorial. The Memorial Hall is about 5 kilometers from St Pierre Church
Frédéric Desenclos was principal organist at the Royal Church of Versailles Chateau.
With the Dupont remote Console with P. Leray hardware and software design, Concert Halls, or Theaters can perform Concerts with true remote Pipe Organs and Orchestras.
A "premiere" has been organized in Caen,
the Caen Memorial Hall for the World War II remembremce Ceremony.
where the Console was played by Organist
Desenclos, principal Organist of the Chateau de Versailles King's Chapel.
St Pierre Pipe Organ was controlled remotely,
via a telephone line.
Several other concerts are planned in
France and foreign coutries.