Return to Science
wrote: The real responsible for a war is not the one who starts it, but
those who create all the conditions favorable to its outbreak.
Before judging the authors of invasions since antiquity, it would be
good to meditate on this sentence, as well as what Alexis Tocqueville
wrote in the 18th century on democracy...
At all times, empires, like individuals, have often played on hatred
and rivalries between smaller states to survive. Their past disputes, cleverly maintained, made it possible to push a leader into making a mistake. The
Romans already theorized this system with the doctrine of "The Just
War" according to them... Later, "Saint" Thomas Aquinas took up this
concept to reconcile the notion of war with Christianity.
It is common knowledge that the constant policy of England (often
numerically and economically weaker than France) has been to exploit
for its own benefit the ancestral rivalry of France with Germany. A rivalry that has lasted since antiquity.
By contributing to repelling the Germans, many works demonstrate that
the goal of Operation Overlord was not to "liberate" France, as was
presented, but to make France and Germany two docile vassals. An operation that was perfectly successful.
Similarly, the American war against Iraq was cleverly fomented by the USA.
us recall a little-known point of history: Before invading Iraq, Saddam
Hussein consulted the US ambassador in Baghdad, to ask her if the USA
would intervene if he attacked Kuwait. Following the negative response from the ambassador, he invaded Kuwait for good, a huge oil mine. Let
us recall that immediately afterwards, the ambassador went on leave...
Moreover, we are now witnessing rather unexpected rapprochements
between Middle Eastern states. US techniques have also been applied in their successive wars. Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya. With, moreover, fewer and fewer deaths of US soldiers. But more and more chaos for the unfortunate states invaded in the name of "human rights". Increasingly sophisticated technique. Leading to the total domination of the "so-called liberated" states, on the economic, military and cultural levels.
The important thing is to discern who benefits from the attack?
The current war between Russia and Ukraine results from the same process. Read on this subject the excellent book by Eric Denécé: The American War. Let
us recall on this subject that from the first days of the Russian
attack, peace talks were held between the two parties, under the
leadership of the USA and Great Britain: Boris Johnson himself
intervened directly when he was not even head of government to assure
the Ukrainians that the Americans and the English would support them. As one provides the rope to a hanged man. If they had done the same in 39, France would have been completely razed, with millions of dead.
worst is that 95% of the Ukrainian population is absolutely unaware of
the fact that they serve Anglo-American interests (1). Without even seeing that they are tied hand and foot to the USA and to Europe itself a vassal of the USA. Who
benefits from this war: certainly neither the Russian people nor the
Ukrainian people, who will see hundreds of thousands of soldiers die in
atrocious conditions. The profit goes to the US and English arms industries.
But the visceral hatred aroused by Stalin's various massacres and
deportations are not for nothing in this ignorance to serve
Anglo-American interests. It could be used again, if necessary, with the hatred of the Baltic countries and Poland against Russia.
result: All the Ukrainian nuclear power plants controlled and supplied
by Westinghouse, a colossal debt in terms of armaments, hundreds of
thousands of hectares of land sold to the Americans, the telephone
operators bought by Free (Xavier Niel) not to mention the secret P4
labs financed by the USA with the NIH and Fauci, etc... Debt,
dispossession from which they will never recover. Proxy war allowing the Americans to weaken Russia and Ukraine (the real goal), without losing a single soldier.
Let us also recall that Churchhill has always refused to negotiate with
H, and that he imprisoned for life the emissary Speers who wanted to
Written in Rians, September 3, 2024
NOTE 1: Very
recently the Kyiv Post wrote that Ukraine is waging a war not for
itself but by proxy for the benefit of the Anglo-Americans with 500,000
dead for nothing and the destruction of a good part of the country. Not
to mention the dependence on Western "aid" which is already paid for in
the most diverse assets: land, telecom operator, etc. Debt that Ukraine
will never be able to repay.
which to a very large extent only swelled the already well-filled order
books of US gun dealers (Boeing, IBM, Rockwell, General Dynamics,
Westinghouse, etc...) English, German and French (more modestly
The recent decision of the USA and therefore of NATO to authorize
Ukraine to send missiles on Russia risks very much transforming the
conflict into an open nuclear war between the USA and Russia.
Eric Denécé : La guerre Américaine
Pierre Hillard: Zionism and globalism: Zionism, from its origins to the Third Reich 1895-1941
Pierre Hillard: From the origins of globalism to the great reset
Adriana Zaneza Inserra: The;s of the wise men of Zion Volumes I and II A & Z
Claire Severac (Assassinated in 2015): The secret war against the peoples KontreKulture edition. Everything has been described and predicted since 2015, the year this independent journalist was killed.
Youssef Hindi: COVIDISM and MESSIANISM: Health tyranny, religious crisis and sacrifice. KA editions
Yousse Hindi: The other ZEMMOUR