SPEECH BY PIERRE DE GAULLE grandson of General de Gaulle https://crsc.fr/discours-de-pierre-de-gaulle-petit-fils-du-general-de-gaulle-a-l-occasion-de-la-fete-nationale-de-la-federation-de- Russia/

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Editor's note: my mother (a member of the Socialist Youth in 1939, ready to do anything to avoid the war in 39) told me: her former Socialist friends, forgetting the atrocious living conditions of the Germans, conditions imposed by the Allies (US, UK) which mechanically led to the Hitler's arrival, shouted "we can't let Hitler do it" and very soon after, we let him do it... with our defeat and the invasion of Poland. Instead of recognizing the evil at its root and acting accordingly. She also said: if in 40, we had held a referendum, 99% of the French would have accepted the armistice.

Victor Hugo was already planning a war between the Euro-Russian continent and the USA. We are doing the same right now, deluding Zelensky and the Ukrainian people, whose blindness – and ours and NATO – will lead us to disaster. After having left in the greatest silence the pro-Russian populations of eastern Ukraine to be massacred (15,000 dead) by their own Ukrainian army.


On behalf of the French people, I cordially greet the Russian people and their leaders and President Vladimir Putin

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen Officials, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you, on behalf of my family and my father, Admiral de Gaulle, for inviting us to celebrate your National Day. Our peoples are bound by long years of friendship and by the blood shed against the Nazis. This is an opportunity for me to repeat that the Franco-Russian relationship was of particular importance to General de Gaulle. France and Russia are close to each other but also united by the awareness of their community of interests and destinies. Moreover, Russia was seen by my grandfather as the reverse ally essential to his security, but because it participated in his conception of the balance of Europe and its place of Europe in the world. . The General even said: “Napoleon’s disastrous decision to attack Alexander 1st is the biggest mistake he has made. Nothing forced him to. It was contrary to our interests, our traditions, our genius. It is from the war between Napoleon and the Russians that our decadence dates. » I come here to affirm once again, loud and clear, that it is in France's interest to maintain good relations with Russia and to say that we must work together to help union and security of our continent, as well as balance, progress and peace throughout the world. Everyone now recognizes the responsibility of the United States in the current conflict, the disastrous role of NATO, which is constantly expanding, and the reckless policy of the Ukrainian Government. The latter, on the strength of fine promises and nourished by American and European illusions, has conducted a very reprehensible policy with regard to the Russian-speaking populations of the Donbass, multiplying discrimination, spoliation, embargoes and bombings. Westerners have unfortunately allowed Zelensky, his oligarchs and the neo-Nazi military groups to lock themselves into a spiral of war. This blindness has serious consequences for the Ukrainian people. But make no mistake about it: what do the Americans want if not to provoke a new East-West confrontation, the sole purpose of which is to weaken and divide Europe in order to impose their directives, their economy and their system? Since the First World War, the Americans have entered into a pact to establish a necessary balance of forces in Europe and to join in the security of the European continent. It is not by organizing a systematic military escalation in Ukraine that they will respect their commitment, nor their great principles of freedom and democracy! The United States is wrong, NATO is wrong, whose unbridled and reckless expansionism leads inexorably to the imbalance of the World and to injustice. The beautiful promises of the Americans not to expand NATO to the East, nor to the North, have not been respected. The Minsk agreements have not been respected. The reality is that the Americans never accepted, nor the West with them, until after the difficult transition of 1991 and the reconstruction that followed, that Russia did not fit into its unipolar world. Neither the Americans nor Europe have ever accepted that Russia should transform itself according to the Western model, in its image. Because of this and from the outset, President Putin was perceived as a dictator, while he is a great leader for his country! The United States has also never accepted the loss of the role of the dollar as the predominant currency in the settlement of international trade in the world.