to Benoit Deschamps the Titular Organist of the historic CAVAILLE
COLL Organ in Malakoff near PARIS, an important upgrade has been done
at the pedalboard : As the pedal had no inner register, (only a
manual 16" only usable by coupling) my PEDUSB board has been added
connected to the pedalboard. The MIDI/USB output of the PEDAL USB board is now directly connected to a PC running GO or HW. Then many stops have be added to the pedal. Independantly of the manuals. Mr Deschamps cleverly designed new drawstops in the CAVAILLE-COLL style. A new extension with midified keyboards is planned using KI7_MIDI_USB boards.
The historic console Look the new 3 virtual stops at the left following Cavaille Coll style
The HALL effect sensors KIP32 boards, usabled on any pedalboard linked to the PEDAL USB/MIDI Board.