With HW or GO
Simultaneously controls a real pipe organ.
Used at the first time by international concertists Paolo Oreni and Vanicek Frantisek.

This console includes a KI6x8x8_MIDI_USB board, which controls directly the 4 keyboards and pedalboard. The pedalboard has a dedicated  PEDUSB board which outputs USB/MIDI controls to the KI6x8x8_MIDI_USB for :
  • The 4 keyboards
  • The pedalboard
  • All the stops and combination action controls.
The KI6x8x8 card sends les MIDI controls to the great organ thanks to a direct USB-ETHERNET 8MBits/s link. With 50m ETHERNET cable.
MERGEUR boards combines the various MIDI informations from :
  • Pedalboard,
  • The tactile screen of the PC console.
  • From crescendo pedal and volume. Crescendo is controlled without any noise, as there are no physical drawknob to push or pull.
3 other pedals can also be added.
All the combinations can be recorded, and updated from the remote console and from the great organ main console. Their number is unlimited, for any number of  organists.
Other controls as stop reset, INCREMENT, DECREMENT are also available.
All stops can be controlled from any keyboard or pedal in 16' 8' 4' 2' Quint. They can be named by the organist.
He can also compose new mixtures by writing a simple text file.
It's the first time that a great organ (or several ones) is (are) seen as a USB/MIDI high speed peripheral !

Wood craft work has been done by Organbuiler F. Bistocchi

Pedalboard has been done by Organbuilder Saverio Tamburini
Thanks to his internal PC, this console can also control any digital or real pipe organ : Grand Orgue, Hauptwerk, JOrgan, etc... The PC can  control 2 tactile screens at the right and left of the keyboards.The mobile console  in front of my great real pipe organ in Rians by year 2019
Can simultaneously control HW or GO. MIDI/USB
PC under WINDOWS 10
Frantisek Vanicek and Anne-Marie LERAY during their concert on 9 august 2019