CELAR 1978-1979
For flight simulators
Presented at : Image 2 Conference 1980, Phoenix, Arizona
First compact real time 3D computer graphics in the world based on priority techniques. at that time, GE needed 10 electronic 1 meter sqaure racksThe GSI system  or
Synthetic Imagery Generator
Préfiguration des PC et des jeux électroniques : ordinateur, écran, joystick ! by year 1979HelicopterFrench Stradair Truck  
First 3D picture on a drawing table by year 1978 with algorithms I wrote in Fortran !
UNIVAC 1110 for 
algorithmic simulation 
Cromemco Z80
2 MACHINES GSI 6 boards with 500 DIP circuits
(HARDWARE builtby INFOREL following mydesigns andt algorithms)
Microcode AMD2900 écrit par Supélec Rennes following my software.
Assembly language for 128 bits microprocessor written by myself in APL language.
1 Joystick
3D Landscape by year 1978 !Tanks with texture 1978 !Tanks without texture First 3D aircraft computed in real time by my computer graphics system