I have before me a UN document called the New World Order, the UN Agenda, for the years 2021-2030.
Get ready for what you are going to hear.

Between these years (2021-2030) will be established:
- A World Government
- A World Digital Currency
- A World Central Bank
- A World Army
- The End of National Sovereignty
- The Elimination of Private Property
- The Destruction of the Family Unit
- Depopulation
- Controlling Population Growth and Density
- Mandatory multiple vaccination
- Basic universal income, ie capping wages
- Implementing microchips, to have the right to buy, travel and to monitor the population.
- Organizing a Global Social Credit System, similar to that implemented in China
- Trillions of electronic devices connected to the 5G monitoring system
- Government will be the one to raise children
- Schools and Universities will be owned by the Government
- End of private transport, no you will still be able to own a car
- All companies will be owned by the Government, a Corporate Government
- Restrictions on non-essential travel
- People will be concentrated in certain areas - cities
- Stopping irrigation for land
- End of private farms
- Elimination of growth animals in natural spaces, pastures
- Prohibition of family homes
- Restricting access to agricultural land
- Prohibition of natural remedies (natural treatments), only synthetic ones will be allowed
- Prohibition of natural fuels
This is the document, for those who can understand, it will be even worse than in the time of the pharaohs.