The massive surge of COVID-19 infections in Israel, one of the most
vaccinated countries on earth, is nothing less than a disaster. The Israel vaccine crisis should be a warning to the rest of the world.
Earlier in April, the Israeli Peoples Committee (IPC), a civilian
body made of leading Israeli health experts, published its report into
the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body.
warned at the time that if the findings by IPC were genuine, then Pfizer
vaccine was linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the
whole of Europe.
In June, there were several days with zero new COVID infections in
Israel. The country launched its national vaccination campaign in
December last year and has one of the highest vaccination rates in the
world, with 80 percent of citizens above the age of 12 fully inoculated.
COVID, most Israelis thought, had been defeated. All restrictions
were lifted and Israelis went back to crowded partying and praying in
mask-free venues.
Fast forward two months later: Israel reported 9,831 new diagnosed
cases on Tuesday, a hairbreadth away from the worst daily figure ever
recorded in the country—10,000—at the peak of the third wave.
More than 350 people have died of the disease in the first three
weeks of August. In a Sunday press conference, the directors of seven
public hospitals announced that they could no longer admit any
coronavirus patients.
With 670 COVID-19 patients requiring critical care, their wards are overflowing and staff are at breaking point.
After vaccinating almost the entire country, now Israel is facing a major disaster.
“I don’t want to frighten you,” coronavirus czar Dr. Salman Zarka
told the Israeli parliament this week. “But this is the data.
Unfortunately, the numbers don’t lie ” reported The Daily Beast.
Israel vaccinated its population almost exclusively with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
But in early July, with citizens over the age of 60 almost completely
vaccinated, Israeli scientists began observing a worrisome rise in
infections—if not in severe illness and death—among the
Meanwhile, a new study has raised concerns about the mRNA vaccines’ effectiveness revealing that Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is only 42% effective against the Delta variant.
And what the officials are not saying is that, it is actually the people who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 yet still get infected with the delta strain are transmitting the infection to unvaccinated people.Now, in order to resolve the vaccine-induced crisis caused by the
failure of the two jabs, Israel again wants to vaccinate its population
with booster shots.
As of this week, all Israelis over 30 will be eligible to receive
booster shots. By the end of the month, they are expected to be
universally available to anyone over the age of 12 who received their
second vaccine five months or more ago.
Israel will then reconfigure its Green Passports, granting them only
to the triple-vaccinated, and limiting their validity to six months.
In anticipation of this change, the number of unvaccinated Israelis
getting their first shots has tripled since the beginning of August.
However, according to the world renowned Stanford University scientist Professor-Doctor Jayanta Bhattacharya and top global economist Donald Boudreaux, the idea of eradication of Covid is a dangerous and expensive fantasy.