Disturbing video: Australian covid camp police threaten to “gas” covid prisoner instead of releasing him after 14 days

(Natural News) The vaccine holocaust is well under way in Australia, where a disturbing new video depicts Australian covid internment camp police threatening to “gas” an occupant (prisoner) who has already spent 14 days in forced quarantine and wants to be released. A snippet of the video is shown in today’s Situation Update podcast (below), around the 10-minute mark.

What the video appears to confirm is that tyrannical Australian authorities are:

1) Not releasing people after they “serve” a 14-day forced quarantine. (You can check in but you never check out.)

2) Threatening to “gas” prisoners if they don’t obey. It’s not clear from the video whether this “gas” involves gassing someone with tear gas or a Zyklon B-like death gas, but in either case it is a gross violation of fundamental human rights.

Global human rights organizations are mysteriously silent on all this, and in America, the so-called American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has utterly abandoned civil liberties and is now endorsing vaccine and mask mandates for everyone.

The video from Australia reveals the horrifying mental health consequences of being interned in what is essentially a covid death camp, where one of the occupants on this video explains, “you can’t get air” in the enclosed, sealed rooms. His fellow prisoner is screaming, “Take me somewhere where the walls aren’t caving in,” revealing the mental health consequences of involuntary covid confinement under an authoritarian medical police state.

Completely healthy, innocent people are deemed a public health threat merely for “testing positive” via a fraudulent PCR test

What’s even more disturbing with all this is how the tyrannical Australian government determines which people to medically kidnap and throw into these covid death camps. You merely need to test “positive” via a fraudulent PCR test to be flagged and incarcerated, even if you show no symptoms of sickness and are perfectly healthy.

Based on a fraudulent PCR test, in other words, you can be denied your right to freedom and thrown into a covid internment camp while being subjected to mental and physical torture by the cruel authorities that run the prison camps.

This is already happening in Australia, and this practice will soon be well under way in America as the CDC has already announced its plans for “green zone” covid death camps where no one leaves alive.

We are witnessing the vaccine holocaust accelerate by the day as governments become genocidal terrorists

Under the seductive influence of unlimited power, governments of the world have abandoned every pillar of due process, rule of law or individual liberties and are now functioning as genocidal terrorist organizations carrying out mass extermination operations that openly resemble the Nazi Holocaust of World War II. Yet obedient, gullible human beings continue to somehow believe if they just comply enough, things will return to normal.

“Normal” is a distant memory, long since vanished in the rear view mirror. No government will voluntarily give up power, which is why Australian health authorities are now openly citing the “New World Order” and claiming the covid pandemic will never end. (Which means their tyranny will never end.)

Here’s Australian health minister Dr. Chant — who somehow claims to be human — declaring the “New World Order” is now in control:

No doubt Dr. Chant fully supports the mass gassing of covid death camp prisoners in Australia, because the real goal of the New World Order is, of course, mass extermination of billions of humans followed by the complete enslavement of the remaining survivors.

It’s now so abundantly obvious to anyone paying attention that it’s shocking anyone could be oblivious enough not to see this for what it is. Yet Leftists, Democrats and woketards see nothing wrong with covid death camps, because it’s all being rolled out under “their” senile president, Joe Biden.

Today’s Situation Update podcast delves into the horrors of the vaccine holocaust and how terrorist governments are now openly waging biological warfare against the human race.
